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Understand Your Calcium Score in Lake Hopatcong, NJ

Doctor holding heart

Get a personalized approach to heart health with the help of the caring professionals at ImageCare Radiology. We test your calcium score in Lake Hopatcong, NJ, to determine your risk of coronary artery disease or other heart-related concerns. At our facility, you undergo calcium score testing in a safe, calm, and welcoming environment to set your mind at ease. The test itself is brief; however, the information it provides helps your healthcare professional make informed decisions about your health and treatment options.

What is a Calcium Score Test?

This non-invasive calcium score screening assesses the amount of calcified plaque in your coronary arteries. It evaluates the risk of developing coronary artery disease and is also used to predict the likelihood of future heart-related events, such as a heart attack.

The test uses computed tomography (CT) technology to create detailed images of the coronary arteries—the blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the heart. When calcium and fatty deposits, known as calcified plaque, build up in these arteries, it causes the arteries to harden and narrow, making it more difficult for your heart to receive the nutrients it needs.

Keep in mind that a calcium score test is not for everyone. It is primarily used as a screening tool for people with unclear risk factors or intermediate risk of heart disease.

What is a Good Calcium Score?

An ideal calcium score would be 0, indicating no evidence of calcified plaque in the coronary arteries. A higher calcium score indicates a higher burden of calcified plaque in the coronary arteries, associated with an increased risk of developing CAD and experiencing heart-related events. Once your calcium score is ascertained, your healthcare provider will discuss it and what it means for your overall health plan.

It is important to remember that your calcium score is just one piece of the puzzle when assessing cardiovascular risk. Other risk factors, such as age, sex, family history, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, smoking status, and overall lifestyle, must be considered when evaluating your risk of heart disease.

Request Your Appointment

Regular check-ups and adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle are crucial steps in maintaining good cardiovascular health. Contact ImageCare Radiology when you require a calcium score test in Lake Hopatcong, NJ.