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Schedule Your Radiology Exam Before the End of the Year

...If you put off scheduling a radiology exam because of high out-of-pocket costs, now is the time to do it. With the end of the year approaching quickly, you can maximize your health insurance coverage by taking advantage of any appointments or exams c...

What’s the Difference Between Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance, and a Wheat Allergy?

...The gluten-free movement has been upon us for many years. We see bold, bright labels on grocery store shelves highlighting when a product is gluten-free. You can buy almond flour, gluten-free bread, gluten-free cookies, the list goes on. It’s amazi...

A Carton of Lemons Offers a Simple Lesson About Breast Cancer

...  Many of you might be familiar with the carton of lemons image already.  It is from the campaign, “Know Your Lemons.” Each lemon appears in a way in which breast cancer can look and feel. Everyone knows about...

When Should You Tell Your Daughter About a Genetic Breast Cancer Risk?

...As genetic testing has given women and men a trove of information about their health and risk for disease, it has also created a new challenge for parents and medical experts: when to share information with children who may inherit a genetic risk. In...

When Can I Expect Results After an Imaging Test?

...When you get an MRI, CT scan, or other imaging test, waiting for the test results to arrive can cause patients a tremendous amount of anxiety. As such, it is natural to wonder how long it will take to get results after undergoing diagnostic testing....

Recognizing the Ongoing Work in Treating and Curing Psoriasis This Psoriasis Action Month

...August is Psoriasis Action Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition that affects millions worldwide. ImageCare Radiology recognizes the importance of this month as an opportunity to educate individu...

Fluoroscopy: How It’s Used and What to Expect

...Fluoroscopy is a type of medical imaging that uses X-rays to obtain real-time images of the body’s internal structures. This procedure is generally used to diagnose and treat various conditions, such as gastrointestinal disorders, musculoskelet...

Top 5 Uses of X-rays

...An X-ray is a common diagnostic procedure that is performed in nearly every hospital and outpatient center. There are many reasons why your doctor might order an X-ray. However, some are more common. Some of the most common reasons are:… ...

How To Help Your Child Through an Imaging Test

...Doctors use a variety of imaging tests to diagnose and treat medical conditions in children. The test they decide to order will depend on the child’s symptoms and the suspected condition. Imaging tests may include X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, or...

What is Non-Contrast MRA?

...Do you suffer from a medical condition that requires Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)? If so, you may have heard of a non-contrast MRA as an option. Understanding what this type of imaging involves and how it can benefit patients is essential. Th...