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CT Scan in New Jersey


A radiologist and medical assistant smiling at a patient as they are about to enter a CT scan.

ImageCare Radiology performs CT scans in New Jersey as part of our advanced diagnostic imagings services. Our specialists and staff are committed to providing a welcoming and comfortable environment. We proudly operate multiple convenient CT scan facilities thorughout New Jersey. Learn more about our approach and contact us to make an appointment.

Why Choose ImageCare Radiology for a CT Scan?

ImageCare Radiology prioritizes patient comfort and accuracy by employing state-of-the-art equipment. Our experienced radiologists and technicians ensure that every scan is performed efficiently and interpreted with precision. This commitment to quality makes ImageCare a top choice when you need a CT scan near me.

What is a CT Scan?

Computerized Tomography (CT) provides cross-sectional images of any part of the body. Cross-sectional images are often described as looking into a loaf of bread by cutting the loaf into thin slices. When the image slices are reassembled by computer software, the result is a very detailed multidimensional view of the body’s interior used to help diagnose conditions within the organs or other structure of the body.

CT Scans are Ideal for:

  • Diagnosing arterial abnormalities and aneurysms
  • Diagnosing brain tumors or brain injury
  • Diagnosing primary cancers and metastatic diseases
  • Evaluating fractures of bones
  • Evaluating post-surgical success for the spine and extremities
  • Looking at the organs of the body, including the lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, stomach, bowel, and reproduction organs
  • Non-invasive evaluation of the arteries of the heart and the patency of bypass grafts
  • Lung Screening Utilizing AI Companion
  • Evaluating coronary artery disease

How Does CT Work?

Computed Tomography (CT) combines advanced X-ray technology with computer processing to create detailed, multi-dimensional images of the body. Unlike traditional X-rays, which provide flat images, CT scans capture a 360-degree view by rotating around the body. Using a thin beam of X-rays and sophisticated software, the scanner generates highly detailed cross-sectional images that can be viewed from various angles and planes, offering unparalleled clarity for medical diagnoses.

What to Expect During a CT Scan

A CT scanner features a circular opening, often referred to as a tunnel, through which a movable table slides. During the scan, you’ll lie on this table, which positions you inside the tunnel. To ensure image accuracy, you may be asked to hold your breath momentarily, as this reduces motion blur. Inside the machine, an X-ray tube and detectors rotate around you, capturing the necessary data. The entire procedure typically lasts between 5 and 30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the scan.

Using Contrast for Enhanced Imaging

In some cases, a CT scan requires the use of contrast material, also known as X-ray dye, to highlight specific internal structures such as organs or blood vessels. This iodine-based contrast may be administered orally or intravenously. It is important to inform the medical team if you have a history of allergic reactions to iodine or contrast materials. Additionally, if you are on diabetic medications, notify the scheduler beforehand, as certain medications may need to be paused prior to your scan to ensure safety.

How to Prepare for the Study

There are a few details to consider for how to prep for a CT scan.

  • You should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing for your CT exam.
  • Metal objects can affect the image, so avoid clothing with zippers and snaps.
  • You may be asked to remove hairpins, jewelry, eyeglasses, hearing aids and any removable dental work that could obscure the images.
  • You also may be asked to refrain from eating anything for up to four hours before the exam.
  • Women should always inform their doctor, scheduler, or X-ray technologist if there is any possibility that they are pregnant.

You may take any necessary medications prior to your exam with a small amount of clear liquid, if your medication requires food be taken with it, please contact us prior to your exam.

Schedule an appointment today

ImageCare Radiology is dedicated to providing a comfortable experience. With more than 20 locations in Northern New Jersey and several imaging options, we’ll get you in and out quickly while ensuring your comfort and the highest quality imaging available in the region.