ImageCare Centers provides cardiovascular imaging in New Jersey for patients whose doctors have recommended it. Heart disease is the primary cause of death for men and women worldwide, which is why it is important to be aware of our heart health. With our radiology services, we help our patients take care of their cardiovascular health and more. Our northern New Jersey cardiovascular imaging services include:
This is an X-ray exam of the arteries and veins to identify any blockages or other blood vessel problems. This test can reveal the integrity of the cardiovascular system in specific areas of the body. During this test, a contrast medium is administered intravenously so that blockages or damaged blood vessels can easily be seen.
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This test obtains detailed images of the heart. Physicians use it to evaluate heart structures, including the cardiac chambers and valves, major vessels, and pericardium. A cardiac MRI is used to diagnose, monitor, and plan treatment for conditions and diseases such as coronary artery disease, irreversible scarring after a heart attack, tumors, infections, and inflammation.
A fast, low-radiation-dose imaging procedure that acquires detailed images of the heart and coronary arteries.
During a high-speed CT scan of the heart, the amount of calcium in the heart is measured and a score is calculated. The lower the score, the lower the risk of future cardiac injury. The test can assess coronary heart disease, which is often asymptomatic.
The Cardiac Exercise Stress Test helps your healthcare professional determine how well your heart handles work. As your body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen, so the heart must pump more blood. The test can show if the blood supply is reduced in the heart’s arteries. It also helps your healthcare team know the kind and level of exercise that’s right for you. (Available at our West Orange and Woodbridge locations only )
Nuclear medicine involves using small doses of radioactive materials to illuminate specific areas of the body for study. During a nuclear stress test, a first dose of the material is administered and images of the heart at rest are acquired. Then a second dose of material is administered and images are taken while the body is under physiological stress. This test helps physicians diagnose the exact location and cause of chest pain, visualize blood flow patterns to the heart, scan for heart attack damage, assess the heart after surgery, and see heart wall movement.
The Doppler ultrasound technique is used to examine the body’s veins and arteries. Blood flow through the vessels in the abdomen, arms, legs, head, and neck are evaluated to find tumors, congenital malformations, narrowing, and blockages. It also helps with assessing the health of arteries before or after a procedure.
The caring and professional staff at ImageCare Centers is here to provide patients with cardiac imaging services and more. Contact us today at 973-871-3333 to schedule an appointment or complete our online appointment request form.