5 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Bone Density

Strong, dense bones are crucial for your health. Bone density can determine your risk of fractures or the development of osteoporosis. Test your bone health with a bone density scan procedure in New Jersey from ImageCare Centers.

1.) Bones are porous

Bones aren’t completely solid. They’re made up of a protein called collagen, and strong minerals called calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. Bone density is determined by how porous your bones are. The more space within the bone, the less bone mass, and bone density.

2.) Bone tissue breaks down and regrows

An image of bones with the inside depicted as sponge-like.

Throughout life, bones go through a resorption process, which makes bone tissue break down and transfers calcium into the bloodstream. Resorption is typical and is usually followed by bone formation, which maintains bone mass and strength. However, when resorption occurs more often than formation, the bones wither down and become fragile, leading to the development of a condition called osteoporosis.

3.) Calcium and vitamin D help maintain bone density

Eating calcium and vitamin D-rich foods can help maintain and slightly grow bone mineral density. Calcium intake should be taken with vitamin D so the calcium can be fully absorbed and effectively improve bone density. If you do not consume calcium in your diet, or you do not receive vitamin D from the sun, supplements are available.

4.) Osteoporosis fractures typically affect the hip, wrist, and spine

Osteoporosis causes your bones to become very weak and brittle, affecting the hip, wrist, and spine the most. Even coughing can cause a fracture when your bone density becomes too low. The spine can become compressed and affect one’s ability to stand up straight, resulting in a curved spine.

5.) Bone density scans can determine if you have osteoporosis

Bone density scans may be used to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis or to assess a patient’s risk for developing fractures, especially in places that are prone to them, such as the hips and spine. Using low levels of x-rays, bone mineral content and bone density are determined during your scan.

To prepare for your appointment with ImageCare Centers for a bone density scan, you will be asked to avoid calcium supplements for 24 hours before the exam. Call to book your appointment for a bone density scan with ImageCare Centers today.