How To Help Your Child Through an Imaging Test
Doctors use a variety of imaging tests to diagnose and treat medical conditions in children. The test they decide to order will depend on the child’s symptoms and the suspected condition.
Imaging tests may include X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, or CT scans. These tests allow doctors to get a better look at the child’s internal organs and structures and are helpful in diagnosing broken bones, cancers, and infections.
Sometimes, a child may need to get sedated for an imaging test. Sedation is usually only necessary for very young children or if the child is anxious about the procedure.
The imaging test staff will take every precaution to ensure that the child is safe and comfortable during the procedure. However, parents should not hesitate to ask any questions about the test or the child’s care. Knowing what to expect and how you can help ease your child’s anxiety is key to getting the best results as efficiently as possible.
5 Steps Parents Can Take To Help Children Through Imaging Tests
Getting an imaging test can feel scary for small children. The machines are big, loud, and sometimes uncomfortable. There are strangers in the room, and the sights and sounds are uncommon to them. This can create anxiety and panic in many children – even teenagers.
As a parent, it’s natural to want to do everything you can to ease your child’s worry and anxiety. Here are some simple things you can do to help them through an MRI or CT scan:

- Talk to your child about what they can expect beforehand. Explain the process in simple terms and let them know that it is ok to feel afraid. However, remind them that the technicians are there to help. You can show them videos or read them books about the procedure, so they feel more prepared for what is to come.
- Help them stay calm during the test. If your child starts to feel anxious, reassure them that everything is okay and offer words of encouragement.
- Distract them from the machine’s noise with a favorite toy or book. Listening to music through headphones can also help block out the noise.
- Hold their hand or offer a comforting touch if they seem tense or scared. Ask the technician before the procedure starts what you can do to help your child if they get scared during the procedure. Sometimes moving to hold their hand or help them during the procedure can affect image quality. However, most image centers understand that children need more guidance and emotional support through many tests. They may stop the test at various intervals for you to comfort your child.
- When the test is over, let your child know that they did a fantastic job and give them a big hug.
Following these simple tips can help ease your child’s anxiety and make the experience much more bearable for them.
Schedule Your Radiology Screening Today
At ImageCare Radiology, we can help parents make imaging a positive experience for their children. At a fraction of the cost of hospitals and other emergency clinics, you can get the highest quality images and a personalized experience. Please let us know what tests you need, and we can help! Give us a call today at 973-871-3333 to schedule an appointment, or complete our convenient online appointment request form.