Recognizing the Ongoing Work in Treating and Curing Psoriasis This Psoriasis Action Month

August is Psoriasis Action Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition that affects millions worldwide. ImageCare Radiology recognizes the importance of this month as an opportunity to educate individuals about the condition, the available treatments, and the ongoing research aimed at finding a cure. In line with our commitment to health education, we also emphasize the role of diagnostic imaging, such as X-ray in New Jersey, in managing some psoriatic conditions.

Purpose of Psoriasis Action Month

Psoriasis Action Month focuses on encouraging individuals to take proactive steps in managing their psoriasis through education, awareness, and advocacy. The campaign aims to empower those affected by providing them with the resources and information needed to better understand their condition, seek appropriate treatment, and connect with a community of support. It also serves to educate the broader public about the challenges faced by those living with psoriasis and to destigmatize the condition.

Graphic of a purple and yellow ribbon on a white background with the text “Psoriasis Action Month August”

Treatments for Psoriasis

Treatment for psoriasis varies based on the severity and type of psoriasis, as well as the patient’s overall health. Common treatment options include:

• Topical treatments: These are applied directly to the skin and can help reduce inflammation and slow down the production of skin cells. Examples include corticosteroids and vitamin D analogs.

• Phototherapy: This involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet light under medical supervision, which can effectively slow skin cell turnover and reduce scaling and inflammation.

• Systemic medications: These are prescription drugs that affect the entire body and are used for individuals with moderate to severe psoriasis or when other treatments are ineffective. They can be taken orally or injected.

• Biologics: A subset of systemic treatments, these are made from living cells cultured in a laboratory. They specifically target the immune system responses that contribute to the development of psoriasis.

X-ray and Psoriatic Arthritis

For some individuals, psoriasis can also lead to psoriatic arthritis—a painful, debilitating condition that can cause joint damage. An X-ray in New Jersey can be instrumental in diagnosing psoriatic arthritis by revealing joint changes and levels of joint damage, which helps in tailoring the most effective treatment strategies.

Ongoing Search for a Cure

While there is currently no cure for psoriasis, research continues to advance. Scientists are exploring various avenues, including gene therapy and new biologic treatments, to find a cure. Awareness months like Psoriasis Action Month are crucial in highlighting the need for continued research and funding.

At ImageCare Radiology, we stand with the psoriasis community during Psoriasis Action Month and beyond. We offer diagnostic services, including X-ray in New Jersey, to help manage complications like psoriatic arthritis. Understanding psoriasis and continuing the search for better treatments and a cure are vital steps toward helping those affected lead healthier, more comfortable lives. If you are managing psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, consider the role of advanced imaging in your treatment plan. Reach out to us to learn more about how we can assist you in your healthcare journey.