Taking a Look at Blood Vessels with an MRA Scan
Understanding the reasons behind symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, festinating gait, and forgetfulness is part of the goal of MRA scans. An MRA scan, or magnetic resonance angiography, is performed in conjunction with an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). However, the difference is that an MRA scan uses the MRI machine but produces a more detailed analysis of the blood vessels rather than their surrounding organs and tissues. If a patient experiences symptoms relating to possible blocked or narrowed blood vessels, a doctor may recommend the patient gets an MRA scan. Both MRA and MRI procedures are painless and non-invasive and are used to diagnose many different conditions and abnormalities within the body.
What Can an MRA Scan Detect?
Since MRA scans take a close look at blood vessels and blood flow throughout the body, an MRA scan can detect:
- Aneurysm or dilation of an artery wall
- Aortic coarctation or a narrowed aorta
- Aortic dissection or bleeding in the aorta
- The cause of a stroke
- Carotid artery disease or narrowing of blood vessels in the neck
- Signs of heart disease
- Narrowed or blocked vessels in arms and legs
- High blood pressure and renal failure or narrowed blood vessels in kidneys

By using a contrast dye, an MRA scan can give your radiologist a clear image of your blood vessels and your blood flow. Undergoing an MRA scan can help both you and your doctor understand what is going on within your body and what to do to be proactive in preventing further damage to your blood vessels.
Trust in the experts at ImageCare Radiology for your MRA scan in New Jersey. Our team pays careful attention to our patients, ensuring they are treated well while they prepare and undergo an MRA procedure. To learn more about our services, visit us online. Contact ImageCare Radiology today to speak with our caring staff and schedule an appointment with us.