What to Expect During an Open MRI

An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) can detect many issues within your body. Namely, brain aneurysms, weak arteries, and tumors can be detected through the use of MRIs. At ImageCare, we offer open MRI for patients who are larger, or who have claustrophobia or other anxieties about the small space of a traditional MRI machine. Open MRIs are just as effective at detecting health issues as traditional MRI machines. Our open MRI machines are designed to be less restrictive and more comfortable for our patients.A child laying down inside an open MRI machine.

Practices for open MRI are the same as traditional MRI. The only difference is the size and design of the machine. To prepare for an open MRI scan, you will need to:

  • Leave hairpins, piercings, jewelry, and other metals at home
  • Wear comfortable clothes (MRI scans can take a long time)
  • Not eat or drink for 3 hours before the exam

MRI is not available for everyone. If you have a pacemaker, an inner ear implant, spinal or brain stimulator, metal fragments in one or both eyes, or brain aneurysm clips, you may not be eligible to receive an MRI. Contact ImageCare to speak with one of our caring doctors to find out if you are able to undergo an MRI. With ten different options of open MRI, ImageCare is committed to patient comfort and satisfaction. We suggest mindful meditation exercises before your MRI if you are someone who experiences a great deal of anxiety that may cause jittering. During your open MRI, you must remain still during the scan so our images are as clear as possible. This will allow our doctors to read your health scans accurately.

At ImageCare, you will find yourself in a comfortable and welcoming environment of expert doctors who offer open MRI machines. If you need an MRI scan, count on ImageCare to help you. Call to book your appointment for an open MRI with ImageCare of New Jersey today.